A letter to all the beautiful women who are considering buying a dress:
I had a dream.
No really, I had a dream of this dress that I wanted to wear - but just could never find, and then I had my son - and my body changed so much that nothing that I wore before my pregnancy fitted right anymore.
So - the quest to find the perfect easy-wear dress was on the pinnacle of my priority list!
I am lucky enough to have a super capable and talented Mom, who, not only inspires me with her ability to conquer any creative challenge - but to have the patience to indulge in my ideas of things I don't have the skills to make yet! I am an avid designer of clothing - have been since I was a little girl - but not the neatest seamstress in the world! I am way too impatient for that - so I never follow a pattern, I always just cut and sew and see where it goes. With the beginning of the Artist's Dress, I did just that, but with the expert guidance of my Mom's keen eye on helping with shape etc.
One lovely Saturday afternoon, in my Mom's glass house, we created this pattern and tweaked it over a few prototypes to now be, in at least my own wardrobe, the perfect dress!
The Details that make the perfect dress
The Artist's dress has a waistline that looks very flattering on anyone, because it is designed that way! I just don't have the will to wear tight-fitting things anymore, I want to MOVE and feel spectacular while being able to play with my son or run errands in town. So we made this dress wide and generous with fabric to flow about your legs and body and give you a very queen-like swish.
This dress's middle is wide - to fit anyone - and you simply draw the middle in with the drawstring to make it fit your preferred style of wearing and waist perfectly. The shoulder traps are also made with buttonholes, no added metal connectors etc. like normal dungaree-type clothing, because I always find them to damage in the wash. So the buttons help you adjust the top of the dress to fit your torso. All these adjustments have made this dress be the perfect companion to any stage of your life!
(If you are a breastfeeding Mama, great news! This dress is the absolute bomb! I have had people have completel conversations with me while I am breastfeeding my son, and them never knowing! The bib simply hides it all while giving perfect access to your suckling baby .)
It takes a village
The first few dresses I made were made from plain cotton, I was still playing with the feel of the fabric etc. - when my amazingly talented and creative friend, Jacobi, sped up the process of adding more colour by commissioning my very first sale! But it had to have COLOUR! So we designed the first colour-block combo of colours for her, and it was a hit! I love the way it brought so much of what I love of life together. To help people realise their creative abilities and be bold and confident in how they walk through life.
This is what this dress means to me - to walk confidently in the colours of your life. We all have different shades of experience, different times of our lives make us feel differently. This dress is here to celebrate that we are a patchwork of emotions and experiences, of hopes and dreams and lessons learnt.
Tell your own story with the colours you choose for your dress.
This platform is a dream to help you in your life's journey by sharing some of the lessons I learnt in life. Thank you Jacobi and my Mom, for being part of this first amazing product design. To Janel and Ashly and Anna for being so generous with your time and talent to have our first photoshoot and launch this!
AND to all the beautiful women who have subsequently bought a dress and gave realisation to this dream of sending things into the world to make it more colourful, joyous and kind.
liefde, Jaatje